Adana Entrepreneurship Center Project

·Ministry of Industry and Technology

·    Technological infrastructures - Digital Fablab, Motion Capture Studio, Filming Equipment Studio, Maker Space, Pre-Incubation Center, Office Spaces, Co-Working Spaces

·    Pre-Incubation Programs, Technology-Based Entrepreneurship Trainings, Startup Weekend Organizations, Hackathons, Angel Investor Meetings, MeetUp Events, International Short Film and Animation Competition, Demo Days

·    Project Manager, Preparation and Implementation of Project, Evaluation and Selection of Entrepreneur Teams, Chairman of the Selection Committee


Consultancy Services for Establishment and Operationalization of Innovation Centers

·    United Nations Development Agency

·    Consultancy of Innovation Center Establishment at Adana, Mersin and İzmir

·    Business Moel, Innovation Roadmaps, Commercilization Programs

·    Consortium Member as Cukurova Technopark with PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and Ireland Development Institute (IDI), Project Key Expert


Capacity Increase Project of Chambers and Stock Exchanges 

·    The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

             ·    Academic Advisor for Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in Adana

Adana Entrepreneurship Center Early-Stage Technology Entrepreneurs Pre-Incubation Program

·    International Organization for Migration

·    Entrepreneurship Trainings, Bootcamp Program, Mentoring, Evaluation of Proposals, Demo Day, Selection and Firm Establishment Support for Successful Entrepreneurs

·    Project Coordinator, Chairman of the Selection Committee


Chemistry Valley (Kimya Vadisi) Project

·    Cukurova Development Agency

·    Preparation of Project Application and Feasibility Report

·    Chairman of the Board, Cukurova Chemical Substances Production Technologies Inc.


Industrial Simulation and Welding Training in Virtual Reality
       ·   KOSGEB R&D and Innovation Project

·   Project Manager


NASA International Space Apps Challenge Hackathon

·    National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) and Space Agency Partners

·    International hackathon for coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, technologists, and innovators.

·    Adana Hackathon Final Jury Member


Community-based Local Initiatives Project - CLIP 2, Consultancy Service for Social Businesses

·    Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

·    Mentoring for Women Cooperatives and Associations, Business Plan, Financial Analysis

·    Project Key Expert

Delivery of Business Plan Trainings and Supporting Firm Establishment in Adana and Mersin

·   International Labor Organization

·   Business Plan Workshops and Firm Establishment Support for Successful Entrepreneurs

·   Project Coordinator, Chairman of the Selection Committee

Adana Entrepreneurship Center Technical Capacity Enhancement

·    International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Local Common Use Facility Grant

·    Project Manager, Preparation and Implementation of Project


Start-Up Weekend for All Project

·   United Nations Development Agency

·   Project Coordinator for Cukurova Technopark, Final Jury Member


Provision of Services on Delivery of Entrepreneurship Training, Coaching and Mentorship

·   International Labor Organization

·   Entrepreneurship Trainings, Evaluations, Mentoring, Coaching

·   Project Coordinator, Chairman of the Selection Committee


Training of Trainers in English Regarding Online Education to Non-Turkish Speaking Staff

·   Spark NGO

·   Training of Trainers in English Regarding Online Education to Non-Turkish Speaking Staff

·   Project Coordinator

Adana Competence and Digital Conversion Center Project

·   Ministry of Industry and Technology
Preparation of Project Application and Feasibility Report


Development of Regional Planning and Route Management System

·   KOSGEB R&D and Innovation Project

·   Project Manager


Establishment of Geographic Information Systems Based (GIS) Turkish Industrial Inventory Information System Project

·    The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

             ·    Academic Advisor for Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in Adana

Customer Satisfaction and Tracking Management System

·    KOSGEB R&D and Innovation Project

·    Project Manager

Adana Industry Campus Project

·    Adana Chamber of Industry & Cukurova Development Agency

      ·    Preparation of Feasibility Report  

Development of Distribution Route Management System

·   Ministry of Industry and Technology 

·   Techno-Venture Capital Support Program, Owner and CEO of “INFORMS AR-GE” Company

NeuroGenetic Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem

·    The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)

·    Principal Investigator (MAG-107M624)

Evaluation of the Adaptation Process to Automation Systems in Customs with Factor Analysis 

             ·       Cukurova University Scientific Research Project, Principal Investigator


Queuing Theory Based Simulation: An Application in a Hospital Central Laboratory of a University Medical Faculty

·       Cukurova University Scientific Research Project, Principal Investigator


RIS3 (Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy) Adana Industry Competitiveness Analysis

·       Cukurova University Scientific Research Project, Project Researcher


Comparative Impact Analysis and a Sample Application in the Evaluation of Investment Support Programs

·       Cukurova University Scientific Research Project, Principal Investigator